Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Kind of Kindle Cover

My wonderful hubby gave me a Kindle Touch for Christmas and I pretty much haven't put it down since. Which means with my clumsy self, I needed a cover...ASAP!

I had visions in my mind of something that looked like a real book. My web searches didn't find too many. I did find these beautiful ones:

but they were running for $40-$70. Yikes!

Thus I turned to Pinterest and thought about making my own.  Nothing was really catching my attention until I found a post to this blog which uses a real book for the outside. Just what I was thinking + a few changes of my own! I scoured my book collection and came up with wonderful ideas. The only bummer was that to make the cover everything I ever wanted, I would have to dissect one of my antique books. And if it didn't turn out, I wasted that piece of art. Gulp! It had to be worth a try! One of my copies of David Copperfield, was the perfect size and the perfect artsy green cover.

1 antique book
pre-quilted fabric
"shirt" fleece fabric
hot glue
1 really fabulous button
1 free sewing machine from Grandma Crayford
a few mishaps (including not threading the sewing machine right)
my perfect Kindle cover!

I guess it kinda looks like I have a hard time getting through David Copperfield :)

I have been pleasantly surprised with all compliments (even internationally!). Thanks! For a small monetary fee, I am willing to create the perfect cover for your Kindle (or Nook, or any other e-reader).



  1. That is incredible! And how cool to use such a classic book cover? I love it! Hmmm...I think I may have to make another one like this for myself. It has been so fun connecting with you on FB and now our blogs, Melanie. :)

    1. Thanks Jody! Yes, I think you should make one for yourself! I have really enjoyed connecting with you too! (and getting all kinds of creative inspiration! I need it!)
