Monday, April 16, 2012

Everytime I go to Wal-Mart....

...something a little like this ensues:

I only have about 15 items to get, so in theory it shouldn't take long.

However, since it is Sunday, Wal-Mart is now out of Cilantro & the spinach-mozzarella chicken sausages I use in my famous lasagna. Whatever does remain is slim-pickings. I struggle to find romaine hearts that aren't browning already.

At the end of every aisle, I move super slow as to not run over the wild screaming children who have taken over the place. There is only one couple in the beverage aisle and they just happen to choose to stand and discuss their shopping list directly in front of the one item I need (this also happens in the baking aisle & the laundry aisle). Then, just to move anywhere, I must weave in and out between customers because everyone apparently doesn't like the concept of "stay to the right" and instead, they choose to take up the whole entire aisle by themselves.

Meanwhile, the hubby calls me from the parking lot, "What's taking so long? I thought you said you didn't need many items"....grrrrr......

I finally make my way to the front of the store and, as always, there are never enough cashiers. So, I unwisely choose to go through self-checkout. I put 2 boxes of laundry detergent ingredients in one bag and it proceeds to rip. I double bag. The machine then decides it doesn't like that I stacked that bag on top of my case of Diet Coke and I have to wait for assistance from a Wal-Mart assistant to continue.

After I finally bag it all up and checkout, I have to dodge through more customers who decide to park their carts towards the middle of the checkout lines so no one else can get through with a cart. I don't mean to be rude, but my frustration gets the better of me and I end up saying, "Excuse Me" in a rather huffy manner.

Yay! I am out the door finally. But I misunderstand the hubs and can't find him in the parking lot. After a little wandering in the rain, I find him and start unloading the cart into the backseat of the car. I reach for the last bag and RRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPP.....The bag flies out of my hand in the wind & rain and my purchases, which all which seemed to be round, rolled every which way. I frantically scoop up the items, cursing under my breath and flinging them into the backseat. Did I mention it was STILL raining????? In my frustration to be done with the fiasco, I run the cart down to the corral and give it a good slam into the rest of the carts. "Take that!"

I sit down in the car and take a deep breath, while listening to the hubby asks why I walked all the way to that 
cart corral when there was one two spaces next to us....Grrrrrr.... I think I might lose it and must be told to settle down. Deep breath....I think I might finally be ok. It's all over....

That is, until I get home and realize that one of my jars of Queen green olives, which I bought to make deep fried stuffed olives for my birthday, must have rolled underneath the car and I wasn't able to see it in my madness.

...Double GRRRRRRRR......

And yet, I still go there on occasion....What is wrong with me????

1 comment:

  1. I'm convinced my blood pressure goes up significantly every time I go to Walmart. Alas, we don't have many other places to get necessities in our small town, so visiting Walmart regularly is inevitable.
